N Formation Design: 3D, Interactive, Virtual Tours, Web 3D, Simulations
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When presented with only an image of a product online, do you feel comfortable in knowing what you're buying? More importantly, do your customers feel comfortable? Interactive models can largely solve this problem of uncertainty by letting users manipulate the product just as they would in real-life. By presenting a product from all angles and in different configurations, you give customers a sense of control over their purchase that is often missing in online transactions.
With a configurator, a customer can change the color, size, components, or any other variable feature of a product. This helpful tool allows your customers to mix-and-match a personalized product package, potentially exploring millions of possibilities that even a showroom floor couldn't display. Add an online purchasing option and your customers will be able to configure and buy the perfect item all from the comfort of their homes.

New Manufacturing:
Beat the costs of creating a new product. Post interactive models of new designs to your websites and get free feedback from your customers. Better yet, offer a configurator with options that aren't available in real-life. By tracking the most popular new creations, you let your customers decide what novel designs they like the best!

Interactive Ads:
Video advertising has spread through the web like wild-fire in recent years. It can provide high-fidelity images and motion that grabs the attention of web-surfers, but we can go a step further. Keep the same flashy graphics as video and add the always engaging element of interaction. Advertising through the use of a simulation or product tour can dynamically animate, activate, and target an audience almost as well as the product itself.
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