Current real estate web sites offer a handfull of pictures and, at best, a 'virtual tour' that consists of nothing more than the previously mentioned pictures stitched otgether panormama style.
With the explosion of rich media on the web and the continuing rise of Internet-based sales, consumers deserve a better way to evaluate a potential home.
The Virtual Apartment allows visitors to see the apartment layout from any angle, zooming in and out without a loss in visual clarity. The current version of this application also allows users to place furniture in any room and freely ararnge it.
This feature can be very helpful in deciding if a layout is a good fit and is something very difficult to do with static pictures. |
Additionally, the Virtual Apartment furniture list could be populated with a specific retailer's furniture. This would allow the application to serve as a marketing tool for both the retailer and property manager.
The Virtual Apartment is a versitile tool that can be adapted to fit any individual layout, multiple layouts, or whole buildings. The furniture placement feature provides a unique experience and can be updated locally by the owner.
We welcome any ideas for new features or applications. Contact us today!