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PLANE M3D: Pocket PC

PLANE M3D: plain portable flat, handheld design managable keypad sleek form slim display / high resolution simple cover wireless

In an increasingly tech-savvy world obsessed with micro-electronics, computer companies are charged with the task of designing products that can perform a wide array of operations, from storing a list of appointments to satellite linkage, while offering a sleek design and portable size, and, frankly, the smaller the better (see below). Designing the product in an interactive format facilitates experimentation with different features and evaluating whether the benefits of certain modifications justify the cost of product development.

The PLANE M3D pocket PC model was designed to incorporate properties from multiple existing electronic devices. Inspired by popular cell phones, PLANE M3D flips open and can be held with one or both hands. Though slightly larger than the Blackberry, it is far more convenient for typing, especially if the operator intends to use it for an extended period of time. This product would be ideal for individuals who travel frequently and require the strength of their laptop without the burden of extra luggage.

The images above display the results of product conception. Multiple renderings were generated to get a tangible sense of the model and how it compares to designs currently on the market. The interactive format clearly reveals its sense of scale and interface. Not only will interactive simulations assist in product development, they will also improve market research. Companies can design multiple products using this format and allow potential consumers to select which one they most prefer.

click and drag the image to rotate >> press animate button to animate >>

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