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medical models from scan data

Medical Models
hand hand with bones hand with CT slice skull and vertebrae rib cage and airway ribcage, airway, lungs CT slice contour trace

Medical care providers often rely on visualization for diagnosis and treatment of patients. Imaging technologies such as X-ray, CT, and MRI scans provide them with 2D slices of the area in question. For appropriate decision making, a clinician must be able to reconcile the patient’s 3D body with this series of 2D images. This burden can be eased by providing the data directly in a 3D format.

Advances in computing power and image processing technologies allow us to extract 3D models directly from any series of medical scan images. We can generate these models on-demand. We specialize in orthopedic visualization, but can work with clinicians to generate models of almost any part of the anatomy.

The images above show results obtained while employed by the University of Michigan Virtual Reality Lab. Models can be visualized in many mediums. Interactive web applets can facilitate information sharing with colleagues and patients. The data can also be converted into a physical model through the use of a stereolithography machine.

high resolution mesh, finger joint >
  high resolution mesh, finger joint
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